Sunday, December 28, 2014

Excuse The Mess, but We Live Here

My house is a mess. It doesn't particularly bother me when  my house is messy. Some people may look around my house and see a mess, but I see a million ways The Lord has blessed me and my family.

The toys strewn from one end of the living room to another remind me that I'm so blessed to be mother to this energetic, smart little boy. These toys remind me that my son is blessed with an extended family that cherish him and want to 'spoil' him with (among other things) toys. They remind me that my husband has been blessed with skills that help him provide for our family in such a way that our son can have a surplus of toys.

The dirty dishes in the sink tell me that I'm blessed to have food to eat. They let me know that we are blessed to be in the small percentage of the world that never has to worry about when we will eat again. These dirty dishes are a blessing. 

The piles and piles of dirty clothes show me that we're blessed to have clean clothes day in and day out. They are a reminder that be are blessed with the money to buy nice things. They tell me that it's a wonderful blessing to have a washing machine and dryer and running hot and cold water. 

The unmade king sized bed is a blessing; the dirty bathrooms with toilets and running water are a blessing; my sons room overflowing with clothes and toys is a blessing; the spare room full of junk and unused furniture is a blessing; I could go on and on. 

I'm sitting here thinking about how I need to clean this house up while I'm still on Christmas break. As I started to dread it and gripe about it, God told me not to complain about all the ways he has blessed me. I was reminded to be grateful, to be thankful of all the blessing I have...and to take care of them by doing my best to keep them clean and tidy. So, last words: While you're fussing about the trivial chores you must do, think about someone who would gladly trade their tiny shack for your big, messy house.

I've got to go do some cleaning. :)

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