Sunday, January 14, 2018

Triple Berry Sweet Cream Homemade Ice Cream

Does anyone else get a hankering for ice cream during cold weather or is that just us? Oh, it is just us? Ok. Well, whatever. We love it. We love it so much that I requested my sister get us an ice cream maker for Christmas, and she delivered big time!

She got us a Nostalgia ICMP400WD 4-Quart Electric Wood Bucket Ice Cream Maker with a beautiful wood bucket that makes some incredible ice cream. We've gone through our fair share of ice cream makers since we got married, and each of them are pretty simple to use. When you pick out an ice cream maker, you're really looking for durability since they all operate about the same. We've bought cheapos that broke after one use and some crazy expensive ones that broke after maybe two uses. This one has only been used twice, so I can't talk about its durability yet but we do love it so far! It has the old-time feel with the wooden bucket with the ease of use of an electric. The noise isn't an issue and clean up is a breeze. 
Tonight, on what might be the coldest night of the year, we decided to make a Sweet Cream ice cream. I'm pregnant with our newest little miracle and he or she has a liking for berries of all sorts, so we added strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Oh, what a brilliant idea that was! If you like Coldstone, this rivals, and may be even better than, their Berry Berry Good Ice Cream. I'm calling it Triple Berry Sweet Cream, and the ridiculously easy  "recipe" is below. 

16 oz container of Cool Whip 
1/2 Gallon of Whole Milk
1 can of Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

(optional) Almond Slices

For Ice Cream Maker:
10 lbs of Ice
Rock Salt/Ice Cream Salt

In inner canister of ice cream maker, mix milk, sweetened condensed milk, whipped topping, and vanilla extract until smooth. Insert the canister into the machine and fill the reservoir around it with ice and rock salt. Be sure to keep the ice salt mixture level below the top of the canister. Turn on the ice cream maker and let it do its job! Check back periodically and add ice and/or rock salt if needed. When the machine slows and gets louder, the ice cream is finished and ready for toppings. 
Mix your toppings into your Sweet Cream ice cream, and you will have a treat that will transport you to a warm summer day even if it is below freezing outside. We also added almond slices for an added crunch. 

Our berries went on top of the ice cream after it was finished, but I think a delicious alternative would be to add the berries into the ice cream maker itself. I also think Nutella would have made for an awesome addition, but you do you! 

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